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Great Lengths Extensions at INARI Salon and Spa

INARI is the premium salon with two top certified stylists specialized in the application of Great Lengths Hair Extensions.  Great Lengths offers the finest quality human hair extensions along with latest technology for comfort and versatility, and for extensions that are virtually undetectable.

Learn all about Great Lengths Hair Extensions, where they come from, how they are applied, and how to care for them.  Many Hollywood Celebrities are wearing Great Lengths Hair on and discover who!

40 Natural Shades

Great Lengths hair extensions match the color of your own hair. Strands are available in lengths from 8 inches to 24 inches. Consult with a professional to decide whether a full head lengthening, volumizing, highlighting or zonal volume application is right for you.


This is where we will advise on how many bonds, and what colours are required to achieve your dream look, and how much this will cost.


Once you have your new set of Great Lengths, your stylist will talk through the different products in our Aftercare Range, and how they can work to keep your extensions looking lovely for longer. We also suggest you fix a date for a follow up maintenance check.

Your stylist will talk through the different products in our Aftercare Range, and how they can work to keep your extensions looking lovely for longer.

Your First Maintenance Check

This should take place within the first month of your application and can be a quick ‘drop in’ or a longer appointment with a wash and blow dry – it’s completely up to you! The session will involve your stylist looking at your bonds, asking how you’re finding the extensions and offering any advice on washing and caring for them, as well as adjusting your style if necessary through cutting and blending. It’s important to do this a few weeks after your application so that your hair extensions have had time to ‘settle in’.

Your Follow-up Maintenance Checks

We recommend that you book in for occasional maintenance checks throughout the duration of your Great Lengths extensions, which can last up to 6 months. Having a stylist regularly check your bonds will maximise the longevity of your hair extensions, and will eliminate any risk of matting.


  • Do not shampoo for two days after your Great Lengths hair extensions are applied.

  • Great Lengths recommends that you return to your Certified Great Lengths Extensionist approximately two weeks after your application. This follow-up visit allows you Extensionist to inspect the application to ensure that your Great Lengths application result is performing as expected.

  • When shampooing, always wash your hair with your head back, not tilted forward. Never dry with a scrubbing action, instead wrap a towel to absorb the excess moisture. When allowing your hair to “air dry,” Great Lengths recommends that the attachment sites be dried with a blow dryer to prevent the bonds from remaining wet for an extended period of time.

  • Always use the Great Lengths Anti-tap Formula after every wet treatment. Mix one line (as indicated on the bottle) to 8 ounces of water in a spray bottle. The Anti-tap Formula is designed to neutralize irregularities in your water source and/or to protect the keratin bond polymers from chlorine, saltwater and other solutions not compatible with a proper pH.

  • To prevent premature bond breakdown always saturate your hair with water and apply Great Lengths Anti-tap Formula prior to swimming, exercising, using a sauna or any activity that creates moisture in your hair for an extended period of time. Immediately after such activities, shampoo thoroughly, condition, apply the Anti-tap Formula and blow-dry the attachment sites (bonds).

  • Brush Great Lengths hair extensions three times a day with the recommended Great Lengths brush. Unlike many extension systems, regular and thorough brushing is recommended for Great Lengths extensions. Beginning at the nape, brush row by row, scalp to ends. Always pull Great Lengths into a softly held ponytail while sleeping or any activity that has your hair blowing in the wind. These important brushing and steps will prevent tangling at the attachment sites.

  • Styling options for Great Lengths hair extensions are virtually limitless. However, there are a few precautions you will want to take. Blow-drying and use of curling irons, flat irons and hot rollers may be used but heat must be kept at an adequate distance for 1.5 inches from the attachment site (bond).


Some extension loss is normal throughout the life of your Great Lengths application. The average person experiences natural hair loss of 100 to 150 hairs a day. A full-head Great Lengths application covers approximately one-third of the head. After some time you can expect to see a small quantity of your hair that has shed naturally yet is still attached to the bond. This is normal and should not be interpreted as hair that has been pulled out of the scalp by the extensions. Daily brushing as instructed above will void those loose hairs from tangling or matting at the attachment site.

Hair Extensions at INARI

Using only state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee this treatment will exceed your expectations. This service is highly customizable so that each client can achieve their desired results without compromise. If you’re interested in this service contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced team members.

Great Lengths has so many versatile solutions to address many areas concerning to volume, length, and colors to an each individual's needs and style. Contact us with all your questions, we are happy to help!

Read more about it:

Choosing Great Lengths 

Great Lengths Hair Extensions: Services

Truth in Beauty with Great Lengths

The journey of Great Lengths hair extensions from source in India to production in Italy.

Great Lengths Hair Extensions: Video
Great Lengths Hair Extensions: Gallery

DC's Premier Full Service Salon

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1425 K Street NW, Suite 102
Washington, DC 20005

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